Accreditation / Approved Programmes

Click on the links below for a list of educational programmes currently accredited by the JBM as meeting the academic requirements for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), or Engineering Technician (EngTech) with the Engineering Council.

Note that some fully meet the requirement for a given registration level, while some only partially meet that requirement and need to be combined with a course accredited for Further Learning towards that same registration level.

Bachelors (Hons)

Partially meeting the academic requirement for CEng, and fully for IEng.

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Bachelors (with or without honours) and / Foundation Degrees

Bachelor programmes fully meeting the academic requirement for IEng, and some non-bachelor programmes partially meeting the academic requirement for IEng registration.

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Degree Apprenticeships

Fully meeting the academic requirement for IEng.

The list also includes courses which have been submitted for accreditation but are yet to be approved.

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Approved Programmes for Engineering Technician (EngTech)

Fully meeting the academic requirement for EngTech

Note that some non-bachelor programmes fully meeting the academic requirement for EngTech are listed under ‘Bachelors (with or without honours) and Foundation Degrees’.

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